Industrial monoblock nature gas / city gas burner installation:
In recent years, gas burners have become more and more popular in the lives of ordinary people, and we often come into contact with gas burners. Gas burners can be divided into natural gas burners, city gas burners, etc. The function of the burner is to atomize the sample through flame combustion. The atomized test solution enters the burner. Under the action of flame temperature and flame atmosphere, through processes such as drying, melting, evaporation, and dissociation, a large number of ground state atoms, as well as some excited state atoms, ions and molecules, are produced.
Everyone knows that when installing a gas burner, the installer will be very careful. Regarding the installation of the burner, the burner manufacturer Zhengzhou bona heat Energy Equipment Co.,ltd has compiled the following items, let’s take a look:
1. The ground and wall where the burning appliance is installed should be able to bear the load.
2. Burning appliances should not be installed in places where flammable materials are piled up.
3. Straight-discharge and semi-enclosed burning appliances should not be installed in places with corrosive gas and dust.
4. Burning appliances should not be installed in places that affect other gas equipment or electrical equipment.
5. The influence of full flow, safety valve action and condensed water should be considered during installation. Waterproof treatment or drainage pipe should be installed on the ground.
6. The convenience of inspection and repair should be considered for the installation of burning appliances; the exhaust pipe and the exhaust pipe should be installed at a place that is easy to install and repair.
7. The place where the burning appliance is installed should comply with the current national standard "General Rules for the Safety of Gas Burning Appliances" GB16914.
Although there will be professional personnel for gas installation, it is necessary for you to master the above points carefully for related requirements to avoid adverse reactions when installing gas burners. Of course, knowing some relevant information also has a kind of safety guarantee for the household people who are often exposed to gas.