Low NOx burner is an important equipment installed on industrial oil-fired boilers and gas-fired boilers to control pollutant emissions. It adjusts the combustion air and combustion head to stabilize the fuel on fire.
Combustion and complete combustion, improve combustion efficiency and reduce ammonia oxide content, can obtain suitable combustion parameters to meet emission standards.
Low-NOx burners and low-NOx burners refer to burners with low NOx emissions during the fuel combustion process. The use of low-NOx burners can reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides during the combustion process. The nitrogen oxides produced in the combustion process are mainly NO and NO2, and these two nitrogen oxides are generally referred to as nitrogen oxides NOx. A large number of experimental results show that the nitrogen oxide emitted by the combustion device is mainly NO, accounting for about 95% on average, while NO2 only accounts for about 5%.
Low-nitrogen burners are suitable for fuels including natural gas, coal bed methane, biogas, artificial gas, refinery gas, industrial tail gas and other gases, light oil, heavy oil, coal tar and other oil products, and coal powder and other solid fuels!
Low-nitrogen burners are widely used in various combustion and heating occasions such as power generation boilers, industrial boilers, thermal oil furnaces, industrial kilns, incinerators, heating furnaces, etc.