Q:How to choose suitable burner for myself?
A:Usually according to combustion output capacity. You can provide relevant parameters of combustion output such as:
m³/h (for gas)
Kg/h (for oil)
Then we will recommend the model which is most suitable for you, as the combustion output you provide.
Q:When should I replace my boiler burner?
A:Your existing burner manufacturer is no longer in business and replacement parts are becoming hard to find or have long lead times.
You have excess air readings of more than 4%, indicating that your boiler is using more excess air than is optimal.
Frequent cycling which could be caused by an oversized boiler/burner combination and lack of enough turndown.
Major components of the existing burner are damaged or corroded from use.
If the burners do not meet new emission regulations or corporate efficiency/emissions goals.
Q:What is included in the burner purchased? Do I need to purchase additional accessories?
A:The burner you buy usually contains the burner body, fan part, electric control part, and valve combination.
Generally speaking, you do not need to purchase additional accessories.
Therefore, you only need to provide fuel, such as gas source, oil, and the required power supply.
Remarks: According to your needs, you can choose whether you need to buy a temperature controller.
Q:How long is the working life of the burner? How often we should maintain it?
A:The burner has a long service life and can be used for 5-10 years under good maintenance.
In order to achieve the best use conditions, it is recommended to maintain and overhaul at least three months.
Q:What kind of gas does “gas” usually refer to?
A:Gas generally refers to natural gas, but also includes liquefied petroleum gas, coal gas, city gas, producer/generator gas, coke oven gas, blast furnace gas, biomass gas, industrial waste gas, and various types of combustible gases.
Q:What kind of liquid fuel does “oil” usually refer to?
A:Fuel oil generally refers to diesel, and usually includes methanol, biodiesel, heavy oil, waste oil, waste engine oil, and other types of combustible liquids.
Q:Can the burner burn two fuels at the same time?
A:It is not possible to burn at the same time, but it can be switched using a dual-material burner, burning two different fuels at different times.
Q:What kind of burners need non-standard customization?
A:Some special fuel burners require non-standard customization, such as pulverized coal burners; biomass pellet burners; dual fuel(pulverized coal and gas) burners; three fuel(pulverized coal, gas, diesel) burners, etc. Even very common Fuels, if burners require multiple fuels, all need non-standard customization.
BNTET Factory Director is in industrial burner field for 26 years from 1994.
We have 18 Certificates of Patents, and we are high-tech enterprise recognized by the Chinese government.
So we are also very good at solving various difficult problems,and offer special design for customers.
Q:Where are industrial burners usually used for?
A:Usually used in boilers, hot air furnace, rotary kilns, dryers, decomposition furnaces, industrial kilns, asphalt mixing plants, etc., all kinds of equipment that need to provide thermal energy.